Tuesday 29 June 2010

Back so soon?

I have reached Dubai. It's 6:36 UK time, we landed 2 hours ago and I have spent 15 minutes on a bus that takes you from plane to airport, about 45 minutes eating a McArabia and chips in McDonalds while checking Facebook, 20 minutes looking for a clean toilet cubicle and applying various facial refreshments, and 20 minutes looking for a seat near the gate for my flight to Dar. Dar airport leaves a lot to be desired, so I hope the 2 hour wait flies by - can't wait to get to Mwanza.  

I figured I might as well take advantage of the free WiFi while it's available. Once I leave Dubai airport it will be a little more sparse... however I will save my ramblings on Word and transfer them here ASAP. If you are important enough you'll get text messages with the most important bits anyway. 

Flight to Dubai consisted of no weird/sweaty people and a window seat - great, but it also consisted of average food and 'state of the art entertainment' which failed me. I had it all planned out - watch Invictus, eat, sleep for about 4 hours. Yeah right! The screen failed me after 20 minutes, then they switched it off for 20 minutes to 'fix it', then I managed to watch the rest of the film.. but it was jumpy all the way through, so I'll have to watch it again because I missed the point of it! Argh! PS Emirates crew... if someone presses their call button you are supposed to answer it (I was desperate for water), and 'tea with extra milk' is not the same as 'one part tea 9 parts milk'. Wasn't impressed with the lovely hot towel of 2009 being replaced with a cheap lemon wipe out of a packet either!!! (moan moan moan I know... blame the lack of sleep)

I also forgot that I no longer have the body of a 10 year old, so sleeping was nigh on impossible. Coupled with tired legs that just wanted to wiggle and be propped up (but with nowhere to prop them up) I just closed my eyes, listened to CDs and soon it was light again.. the sun rose just as we were between Kuwait and Baghdad... I am in awe of myself for being so clever for remembering to pick up some cucumber eye gel and face wipes!

Will mention the funny sunset I saw over Vienna too.. the bottom was red, and as you looked up the sky it turned orange, yellow, green, blue... like an upside down rainbow. Very pretty! 

T'ra for now, next stop, Africa...

Monday 28 June 2010

Lets get this show on the road!

'The show' being the travels, and this blog... I hope you all read it, might save me a few emails while in Tanzania ha ha...

Okay, so I am sat in the airport, had a Starbucks panini and cake thanks to mum's Starbucks voucher she gave me at Christmas, I have paid for an hours Wifi and although the first flight to Dubai is delayed by 30 minutes I don't care as they let me have 6kg extra luggage, a window seat that had previously been stolen from me AND a bit too much hand luggage! Get in!!  My new tattoo itches like hell though...

Will be at the Baby Home and probably be in bed this time tomorrow, so sweet dreams and I'll see you in 8 months sweet England :-) 
