Sunday 28 November 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Living in an international household (currently English, American and German) conversations often arise about differences... for example, cupboard or closet? Dummy or pacifier? Autumn or fall? (obviously I choose the former in each of these cases!) 

Thanksgiving has been mentioned for a while, and my American friends have been getting more and more excited as the fourth Thursday of November drew nearer. I confess to often not being very worldly, and had to 'Google' Thanksgiving, as to me it was just an extra Christmas dinner, and an episode in Friends where Joey puts a turkey on his head. Anyway, now I know it's a little more than that... it is a harvest festival, a time to give thanks for a bountiful harvest. 

The day started with a note under my door from Cacey, saying Happy Thanksgiving and how thankful we should all be to be sharing this experience. The dining room had been adorned with American flags and hats thanks to creative Izzy, and already water was boiling to make room for our hundred dishes later. It was 8:20am... and then the power went out. And decided not to return for 14 hours. 

This is Tanzania remember?! 

Anyway the whole day involved a lot of activity, the kids made turkeys from their handprints, which now hang proudly in the Baby Home, cooking vanilla pancakes (which the ants invaded, curse them) and enjoying a huge feast of food by candlelight, all of which had been cooked on a hob (stove!). 

It does call for some reflection. I am thankful for family, friends, my best friend here, babies who give amazing cuddles, water, electricity, mango trees, candles and fundis. 

I will leave you with this picture taken a couple of days after Thanksgiving. We had (another!) party at the house. There was a big ball in town, but we chose to have a party of our own and I wore a dress that I have had made here. Cute isn't it!!! 

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